Getting Started (2)
Create an account to enjoy bigger savings on fuel!
Promos (3)
Enjoy ongoing and upcoming promos
VIP Loyalty & Rewards Program (4)
SEAOIL's Loyalty Program is now powered by PriceLOCQ!
How do I become a VIP Loyalty & Rewards Program Member?
I’m already an existing VIP member from the old VIP App. How can I access my points in PriceLOCQ?
I’m already an existing VIP member BUT I don’t have PriceLOCQ. How can I see my points?
What are the different types of VIP Membership?
What are the perks and transaction limits per membership type?
How do I upgrade to VIP Rides?
Cashing In (6)
Manage the LOCQPay balance in your account
Buying & Storing Fuel (1)
Buy and Store Fuel anytime, anywhere!
Redeeming Fuel (3)
Use PriceLOCQ to pay and redeem for fuel in our Partner Stations